
In addition to endless possibilities of food printing, 3D printed foods may bring about many mostly positive implications including:

Solving the Food Scarcity Problem

Soon, the world will face a food scarcity problem. The population is growing at an exponential rate and larger populations need more food to sustain their living. While the world population continues to grow, the available space on Earth remains constant. Unless humans can start living on another planet agriculture and traditional farming will likely take a huge environmental toll on the planet.

In other words, the world needs a solution to the soon-to-be global food scarcity problem, and tackling such a large-scale problem takes time. Luckily, food printing is showing strong promise and it could potentially be part of the solution to this global problem. 3D printing makes it easier and faster to produce food. Eliminating the entire manufacturing process of a variety of food allows the manufacturing system to focus more on making ingredients.

Reducing Climate Change 

When everyone begins to 3D-print his or her own food, the process of food production will change drastically. Instead of growing different varieties of food, the agriculture sector will shift its focus to producing different ingredients. Consequently, agriculture would need to compensate for this change and transform drastically, as well. This transformation would result in a very limited human footprint on the planet and would, in effect, reduce climate change. For example, producing enough chicken, beef, and pork to feed the current population is taking a significant toll on the planet, as these animals consume large quantities of resources and create substantial amounts of waste. Replacing these major food sources with more sustainable options that require much fewer inputs reduces the environmental impact.

Eliminating No-Longer-Necessary Businesses 

Once people begin to foodprint in the comfort of their own homes, it removes the need for grocery stores, chefs, or associated jobs. Given the ease of ordering goods online and the finite nature of the ingredients needed for food printing, people can start ordering food printing ingredients in the comfort of their own homes. Once this is the case, grocery stores are no longer needed. Solving the Problem of Supplying Food on the Go Food is an everyday need for humans to not only survive but also to have enough nutrients and energy to function. Some professions require food on the go, which requires a supply of food for people when they are away from permanent structures that would easily supply food. For instance, astronauts need food to survive in space and military personnel needs food when they are deployed. Additionally, hikers and backpackers need to bring meals and snacks on their trips. Moreover, other recreationists, families, and people who travel frequently for work may also want their food readily available without having to pack heavily.



  1. Awesome🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


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